
Here are some good places to see a bit of what happened at Overflow Conference: The first Baking Bishop video (a parable about the Creative Assignment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3v37iFilTM The second Baking Bishop video (a parable responding to Al Ready Triedit) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzeldenYO0A A short recap of the ordination service: http://overflowconference.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/ordination-service/ Still photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/overflowconference/ The follow-up site: www.LiveTheStoryTellTheStory.com …

Overflow: promoted from Noun to Verb

For two years "Overflow" has been a noun… the Overflow Conference. But the conference started last night and "Overflow" is now a verb! Bus after bus pulled up to the Doubletree dropping cheerful pastors and delegates. There has been such an overwhelming response that we sold the hotel out. At least one airplane coming from …

Chile trip report

The fifth largest earthquake recorded since 1900, the 8.8 Chilean earthquake occurred on 2/27/10. The epicenter was just north of ConcepciĆ³n, the 2nd largest city of Chile. There are approximately 10 FM churches within an hour of the epicenter, another cluster of churches within 2 hours.The earthquake was followed by a Tsunami which was followed …