Why Flowers Don’t Sweat

I don’t know if you’ve wondered about this, but you’ve probably noticed that flowers don’t sweat. Do you know why they don’t sweat? It’s because they’re not anxious. And do you know why they’re not anxious? This story explains it. And maybe there’s a meaning for you hidden in the story.

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Does Jesus teach cheating?

Does Jesus teach us to cheat clients?
Money. Job. Olive oil. Wheat. Jesus pulls all those elements into a clever story to teach us how to handle finances. First listening may suggest he’s saying to cheat, but listen to it again. It’s really about using finances for eternal purposes.

Watch it at:


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Little old lady beats Law

He fought the law and the… little old lady won. It was crazy-hard for people to wrap their heads around Jesus. One minute he seemed all traditional and respectful of religious traditions but the next minute he’d override the traditions in favor of people. He always got it right. He always prioritized the person over the tradition. Note to self.

Here’s an example of Jesus upending the traditional understanding of the Day of Rest (Sabbath) with a confrontation that he won by observing that we should take care of people at least as well as we take care of animals.

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Married after Death?

Everybody wants to catch Jesus with their trick questions. Turns out it’s hard to trick God. Especially about what happens after death. Turns out he knows more than we do about life after death. Filmed at an apple stand in front of Pike Street Market in Seattle.