Crux, la Croix, Lacrosse, la Cruz, Kruis, Kreuz, Kwa a, Cross

As I memorized this bit of Luke I was surprised by how Luke spent so little time on the crucifixion itself (on things like the nails & Jesus’ suffering) but instead recorded the reactions of those around him (the women, the leaders, the soldiers and the criminals). I love it that the focus of the story of the crucifixion is on the miscreant crucified beside Jesus. After all, wasn’t that the intent all along? We were his purpose in coming to live among us. We still are.




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Table Manners from Namche Bazaar

Half way to Mount Everest Base Camp lies Namche Bazaar. Known as the Gateway to Everest, it’s the last place to buy supplies. No roads come here, only pathways.

What a great spot to hear Jesus’ words about hospitality. It was an awkward dinner, but there was much truth to be said.

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Crush our Enemies?


Who are the enemies of America? Who are the enemies of the church? Who are the enemies of our freedoms? Who are the enemies of our way of life?

Jesus says, “Love your enemies…”


Aren’t we supposed to crush the enemy?

Jesus reminds us why not – because God hasn’t crushed them.  “…he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.”

Lofty stuff, this Jesus’ way. He didn’t make a “good Hebrew.” He wouldn’t have made a “good American.” He’s bigger and better than any and all of that.



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